I think dating is exiting. There are various differences about dating in Japan and the foreign country.
I think that Japanese people are very shy. They would not like to express their love in the public. Contrarily, it seems that foreign people don't care that. In fact, I often see them who are kissing and giving their love a big hug in station or park. I can't do it like that.
When I eat out with my girlfriend, I usually pay her share. And most of my friends said that they paid more money than their girlfriend paid. What do you think about it?
I like to go shopping on date. Especially, Tokyo is great shopping area. A lot of clothing shops in there. So I never get tired of Tokyo.
Dating is too fun. Please tell me your experience on dating and some cultures of your country about dating.
13 years ago
How much affection couples show in public depends on the people involved. My boyfriend and I will hold hands and give each other quick kisses in public, but we would never make-out with a bunch of people around us. We think that is rude to the people around us. I have seen plenty of people making-out in public, though. In high school, you couldn't walk down the hallway without dodging smooching couples every few feet.
I think it is very common for the man to pay when couples go out, but I like to pay for a lot of what my boyfriend and I do. (It can frustrate him sometimes. ^-^) I also like to go shopping on dates, but not for clothes. I'm so bad at shopping for clothes.
Hi! Sarah.
I have never seen the people who are necking in our collage.^^ I think we should not make out with our girlfriends in public places in Japan.
Shopping is too fun. I would like to go shopping in Foreign Countries. Mainly, What do you do on your date?
Hey Takefumisan!
I do think that westerners tend to show affection more openly than people from Japan. I think it is just part of western culture to show people that we love some type of affection. When a couple is together, they tend not to care if people see then hugging, holding hands, or kissing, and this may be because everyone else who may watch or see it, doesn't matter. It is all about the couple expressing their feelings to each other freely. Well, that is what I think, lol. =P
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